Update 25 has been officially released!
In this update, we have primarily dealt with technical innovations. Thanks to the support of Tobii Gaming, we were able to implement the eye tracker with which our players, if they have the hardware, can experience the unique Tobii Eye Tracking.
Furthermore, it was possible for us, in cooperation with Fanatec, to optimize our Fernbus Simulator with the appropriate hardware, the input of the devices now works correctly.
We would like to thank both companies for the uncomplicated and great cooperation!
With this update, we also turned to telemetry and added a first BETA output and input, which we will continue to deal with in the coming updates.
A completely new feature in our game is the shuttle mode, in which you can drive our mini and midi buses.
Last but not least, we have, of course, corrected a lot of bugs in the map and the buses. You can read all about it in our full changelog:
Changelog 1.25.32292
- Fixed Fanatec device inputs
- Added support for Tobii Eye Tracker
- Tobii Eyetracker maximum head movement is now adjustable in the options menu
- (BETA) Added telemetry output and input option for modding
- A new shuttle mode with new bus stops has been added
- Shuttle mode: Added alternative design for player characters
- Minibuses are now only available in “Free travel” and “Shuttle” mode
- Fixed the off-road warning on the highway near Flensburg, Germany
- The “Back” button in the news window has been fixed
- Rest area markings on the world map are now visible again
- Fixed graphical errors
- Fixed incorrect collision of a sign board
- MAN Lion’s Coach C: Interior mirror corrected
- Corrected the position of a parked NPC bus in Bielefeld
- Freeplay: Bus Stop symbols are now displayed on the world map
- Travel time of routes is now calculated correctly if the travel time exceeds 24h
- Repaints from parked buses are now loaded correctly again
- Size of the speed limit icon in the navigation display has been increased
- Size of the speed limit icon in the HUD mini map has been increased
- Current speed displayed in the HUD mini map will turn red when speeding
- Fixed various level art bugs
- Some crashes have been fixed
- The water spray of vehicles on drying roads after rain has been fixed
- A bug in the distance calculation of the navigation has been fixed
- Localizations updated
DLC Luxembourg
- The name of the city can no longer be found twice in the list of the route editor
- Fixed graphical errors
DLC France
- Traffic light circuit corrected
- Artefacts corrected by distance field
- AI vehicles no longer drive to the Quai de Bercy stop in Paris
- Corrected missing advertising at city bus stops
- New motorway routes added at Nantes
- Fixed graphical errors
DLC Switzerland + Austria
- Street lighting in Innsbruck corrected
- Bus stop icon in Geneva is now shown on the map
- Incorrect collision in a tunnel in Zurich corrected
- Fixed graphical errors
DLC Football Team Bus
- Polish localization added (not yet 100% complete)
DLC MAN Lion’s Intercity
- Corrected the rear door mirror
- Corrected the brightness of the navigation screen
- Sun protection sound effect added
DLC Neoplan Skyliner
- Corrected the brightness of the navigation screen
- Corrected the position of a display
DLC Scania Touring
- Corrected the brightness of the navigation screen
- Added Scania logo on mud flaps and “Scania Touring” logo on body sides
- Missing speed limit added to dashboard navigation display
DLC Comfort Class
- Corrected the brightness of the navigation screen
- Corrected the brightness of the navigation screen
- Update
- 28. May 2020